Sunday, November 5, 2017

Frankenstein Fun

The last Friday of October is officially Frankenstein Friday....and we celebrated with silly poems, guided drawings, writing, yummy snacks, freaky math games, and more!  We started with the poems and a delightful story called Porkenstein.  Then, the students followed directed drawing instructions to make a Frankenstein in their digital portfolios on SeeSaw.  In language, we have working on parts of speech.  This week's focus was adjectives.  The students had to think of three different adjectives to describe Frankenstein and comment with their adjectives on three different drawings.  I just love how the drawings turned out!

In writing, we have ben working with narratives.  In narrative writing, the story needs a beginning, middle, and end.  We made trifold Frankenstein stories so that the students could really focus on the parts of a narrative.  Students chose their Frankenstein adventure.  They could write what would happen if Frankenstein game to school, if Frankenstein came to dinner, went trick or treating with them, or played on their sports team.  The stories were very entertaining.

In math, the students played a game called Franken-nine that worked on quickly adding sums.  We also did a Frankenstein relay.  Students had to walk like Frank, fill in a missing number on the number "scars" and hand off to the next team member.  The number line scars skip counted by 2s, 5s, and 10s.  Happy Franken-Friday!

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