Sunday, November 26, 2017

Fact Fluency in Second Grade

Second graders have been working towards fact fluency with their addition and subtraction facts.  To practice the students have been using mental strategies like doubles, doubles plus 1, using 10, fact families, and decomposing the problem into known sums.  For example, adding 9+8 by making it 10+7.  By the end of the trimester, the students should know from memory all the sums of two one-digit numbers (within 20).

This is an easy standard to practice at home.  There are some wonderful apps to use for practice.  Two of the students's favorites are Quick Math and Math Bingo.  These are great 2 dollar investment apps because not only do they help your child practice addition and subtraction facts, but they include multiplication and division when your child is ready.  If you have a computer at home, here are some great games that require Flash.  Each are linked to the blog.

Of course, old fashion flashcards will also promote fluency.  In class we love to play games.  I sent home Gobble Bump before Thanksgiving.  Additionally, Playing cards are a great tool.  Play a version of "War" but flip over two cards every time.  The largest sum takes the cards.  Another class favorite is the game Sergeant.  This game is a fun way to practice missing addends.  You need three players.  Two players duel while the third is the Sergeant.  The two players each hold a card up to their foreheads without looking at their own card.  The Sergeant tells the players the sum of the two numbers.  The first player to correctly identify the card he/she is holding wins the round.  This is also a great game for practicing multiplication and division...just change from the sergeant giving the sum to giving the product.

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