Sunday, March 1, 2015

Tech It Up

We just recieved a new tool called Osmo!  You have never heard children cheer and beg for more spelling like they do with this tool!  Watch them work as a team and try to fill in the missing letters to match the image projected.  The Osmo is so interactive.  There are three free apps that interact with the Osmo.  We have used the spelling/ making words game and the tangram game that has a geometry focus.  We can't wait to explore the tool more.

This week was incredible.  Mr. Wardell visited.  Mr. Wardell is the man that generously donated the iPads and other technologies used in my classroom.  He has been visiting and following our learning for the past three years.  This visit he visited all the kindergarten, first grades, and second grades at Eagle Cliffs.  Mr. Wardell also met with a group of parents to ask them what they have noticed about their children's learning.  He was amazed with the level of learning and use of the technology in our building.  He made yet another extremely generous donation.  He wants to make sure every Eagle Cliffs student kindergarten through second grade has access to an iPad.  We will all be teaching and learning in an optimal 1:1 learning environment.  So amazing.  If you are interested in how Mr. Wardell started this movement there is a video about our first year of this journey.  Click here.  We also have a site that the Eagle Cliffs primary teachers all contribute to:  We use this site for our own professional development and to share and celebrate our own learning.

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