Sunday, November 26, 2017

Representing Multiplication and Division in Third Grade

Third grade is building a foundation for multiplication and division.  We have been solving word problems with multiplication and division scenarios.  The students had really solid background knowledge about multiplication.  However, the concept of division provided opportunity for new learning. 

We represented division equations using manipultaives and a fair share strategy.  We also used a number line to show repeated subtraction.  Finally, the students really made a strong connection using the inverse operation- multiplication.  They loved seeing that the fact families applied to multiplication and division.

Next we are moving to applying multiplication and division strategies to move the facts to fluency. This is an easy standard to practice at home.  There are some wonderful apps to use for practice.  Two of the students's favorites are Quick Math and Math Bingo.  You may remember these apps from when we were working on addition and subtraction fact fluency.  These are apps that grow with you!  If you have a computer at home, here are some great games that require Flash.  Each are linked to the blog.

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