Monday, July 24, 2017

Jedi Training Academy

Look at all the Leias!

May the 4th be with you! On May 4th, we transformed our room into the Jedi Training Academy.  We started the day with an opening ceremony.  All the students met to learn about what the day would entail.  As always, we were going to work hard and play hard.  The Younglings were told they would be working as teams, as well as, earning individual Jedi points.  Jedi points were earned for displaying characteristics of the light side: honesty, effort, persistence, encouragement, respect, self control, and believing in the force.  They would be working on three teams: team Yoda, Kenobi, and Skywalker.  The students were ready to earn their points and get started on their Jedi journey.

The Jedi in training had a series of tasks to complete that were full of academic rigor.  Some of the tasks included sorting Star Wars vocabulary by part of speech, close reading and comprehension questions about various articles, playing Uno with r controlled vowel words, math problems with triple digit subtraction, identifying the number of vertices and edges on three dimensional figures, and more. 

 With all the work they were doing, the Jedi in training deserved some delicious snacks.  Thank you to the parents that volunteered to send such fun snacks! 

 As the students were doing all their academic work, little did they know, they were also collecting clues to unlock our Breakout box.  After lunch, the student got together in their Jedi teams to try and break the codes and unlock four different combination locks.  Look at the concentration and teamwork!

The students did figure out all the combinations.  They earned their Jedi Training certificate a lightsaber crystal, and a lightsaber pencil.  After all the hard work, we celebrated with Yoda Soda and a guest reader from the dark side. 


The day ended with some fun!  Lightsaber duels!  We had such a great day!  May the fourth be with you!

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