Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Addition Combinations

We are working on hard on the addition portion of this important math standard.  We are building a strong foundation for addition. This week we focused on decomposing numbers into pairs and the commutative property.  We played the game "Spill the Counters" to discover the many combinations for the numbers 5 through 10.  We also built a number wall to record our discoveries.

Each first grader brought home some beans and recording sheets so he/she can show you at home!  Here are the directions on how to play.  This week's homework is to play "Spill the Counters" for several different numbers.  Please return one recording sheet to show me you are playing.  If you would like more recording sheets to continuing playing, please let me know.  Happy to provide more practice!

Spill the Counters
Objective: To explore and identify addition combinations for certain numbers.
Materials: small cup, two colored counters (beans), recording sheet
How to Play
1. Put specified number of beans in the cup.  For example if you are making five, put in five counters.
2. Shake the cup and spill the counters onto the table.
3. Sort the counters by color.
4. Say the combination that was spilled.  For example, five is three and two. 
5. Mark on recording sheet.
6. Continue procedure to find all the combinations.  Try with other numbers.
Discussion Questions
-What were the combinations for 5 (or number chosen)?
-What is 2+3? 4+1? 5+0?
-What is the commutative of 2+3?
-What combination was easiest to get?
-What combination was the most difficult to spill? Why?

There are a couple great apps for practicing addition combinations. In Find Sums, students have the opportunity to practice combinations for 4-20 and 100. The practice can be with picture support or just symbolically. Click Find Sums to see the app in the itunes store.  It is a free app!

In class, we have been playing the game both individually and as a relay team.  To do a relay team race, we project two ipads up on the whiteboard.  Then the two teams race to find all the combinations.  Each player does a combination and then passes the ipad to the next player.  The students love it!

Here is another free app to practice addition combinations.  In the game Hungry Fish, students have to feed the fish a certain number. They have to combine bubbles to make the designated number so the fish with eat it. Click Hungry Fish to be linked to the game in the app store.

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