Friday, April 3, 2015

Fractured Fairy Tales

   After reading several of the classic fairy tales, we began reading fractured fairy tales.  In the fractured fairy tales, the author takes a familiar tale and switches it up a bit.  For example, we read a books called Sleeping Ugly and The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig.  So fun!  They have been having so much fun in fact, they decided to make up their own fairy tales.  We worked on our tales for about 20 minutes a day for the last week.  They have had about two hours total time on the writing.  

The fairy tales had to include a good character, a bad character, magic, a problem and a solution.  To start the writing the students made an outline story map to track their ideas.  They also drew a detailed illustration and took some notes.  Then, the assignment was to use their outline, illustration, and notes to compose their fairy tale.

The rough draft and prewriting activities will come home in your child's Wednesday envelope .  Please keep in mind, this is an unedited and unrevised piece of writing. Take a look at your child's writing piece.  Have them read it to you.  They are so creative!  The children are very proud of their work. Just to give you an idea, here are some of my expectations for this writing assignment.
+The student is able to read their piece.
+The writing has a clear problem and solution.
+The writing has 2-3 sequenced events.  The story has a beginning, middle, and end.
+The writing contains some punctuation. Sentences begin with a capital.  Most of the sentences are complete and make sense.
+High frequency words (word wall words) are spelled correctly.  The student uses letter sound knowledge to attempt spelling unknown words.

     I hope you have as much fun reading them at home as we had sharing them in class!

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