Sunday, October 5, 2014

Nursery Rhyme Fun

The Connected Ones are excited about their upcoming performance on October 31st.  On Monday, students will choose the nursery rhyme to perform.  On the day of the performance, students will come dressed as their character and recite their rhyme at the show.  Remember, the costumes can be simple. This performance is to celebrate reading , it is not meant to cause stress.  The photo to the left is from last year, just to give you an idea of how easy a costume can be.  My son was "Little Boy Blue."  We dressed him in blue and borrowed a horn. Simple!

On Monday, please make sure your child has a list of several rhymes he/she would be happy to perform.  That way, we don't have any tears if their favorite rhyme is taken by another child.  Here are some great resources to read and enjoy a variety of different nursery rhymes.  There is a great site at that will read nursery rhymes and other stories aloud.  Also, on the top button bar of the blog, I have linked some videos of different rhymes.  I will be updating the symbaloo as I find more.

Our subscription to RazKids includes a nursery rhyme section!  To get to the rhymes, log in to RazKids.  Our username is "connectedones."  Then, go to the bookroom.

Once in the bookroom, on the left change "leveled books" to nursery rhymes...then enjoy!  I can't wait to show the kids this feature on Monday!  They will be so excited. 


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