Saturday, September 20, 2014

Super Scientists!

This week we did our first science experiments!  Science is so amazing!  The objective of our first science lesson was to introduce what a scientist is, use our senses, record our findings, and get EXCITED about science.  To begin the lesson, watched a power point created by a teacher in Texas on different kinds of scientists in our world.  We found out that a scientist is someone who studies the world around them...and we can all be scientists.  (Click here to be linked to the power point.)  Then, the first grade scientists studied a cup of a scientist.  Ha!  They may have thought I was a little crazy but they made very detailed observations about that simple cup of water!

Upon further discussion about what the water looked like, we thought maybe using our other senses would give us more information.  Scientist use their senses to learn.   So we listened to the water and we smelled the water.  We also discussed not to taste science experiments unless a teacher tells them it is safe.  Even using these other senses, we still didn't have much information.

It wasn't until the students used their sense of touch that they made the discovery!  We weren't working with just a cup of water.  Inside the water, there were clear jelly marbles, a water absorbing polymer.

One of the most powerful tools a scientist has is his/her senses.  Our first science lesson was a success!  If you are interested in the Jelly Marbles, you can order them and learn more about them on the Steve Spangler Science website.  Click here to be linked to the site.

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