Read~A~Thon, Camp Read-A-Lot started Wednesday, the 22nd!! The children are so excited. I hope you will continue recording those minutes at home. We will be honoring the top three readers, the students reading the most minutes, with a medal. I know I have several students in contention for a medal. There is also a class trophy for the classroom that has the most students meeting the 300 minute reading goal. I have been telling all the classes that we are going to win! I may be slightly competitive! We NEED that trophy! Trophy and joking aside, this Read~A~Thon will only benefit our students. Extra at home reading makes a huge difference in academic success! Please work hard these next ten days and READ, READ, READ! If I can support you in anyway, feel free to call. Don't forget to join us at Reading Club every morning starting Wednesday, 8:00-8:15 in the library.
We are doing lots to stay motivated at school! Our entire hallway is decorated to go with the camp theme. Our classroom has been transformed to look like a campsite, including a reading tent and a fire. The students are loving reading inside the tent or beside the fire. Several of our centers this week our camp themed. Wednesday, the students got a s'mores snack to enjoy as they logged their minutes.
Thanks for keeping me current with the reading logs. Each time a child reads 30 minutes, they earn a badge. First graders are collecting badges on sashes. Second graders each have a banner. We also have a place for students with 5 or more sponsors to sign. Signing the wall is pretty cool, but the prizes from Mrs. Wolverton seem to be a bigger hit! Students are also earning badges for exploring genres of books in class. Every day during the readathon, we get a genre basket of 20 books from the library. So far, we have explored poetry, realistic fiction, and mystery. See if your child can tell you about genre.
We are also participating in some dress up days! Read my shirt was a blast! The children loved sharing their shirts, counting words, and even getting together in groups to make sentences. Ha! They are so clever. Flannel Friday was a blast too! Look at these happy campers! They look like a group of Read-a-Thon champs to me! Keep up the hard work. Camp Read-A-Lot ends Friday, March 31st!