Friday, March 4, 2016

Hoppy Leap Day!

We took advantage of our leap day with great learning.  In science, we have just started studying the sun, so the students were very interested in the Earth's orbit around the sun taking 365 days and 6 hours.  We acted out the Earth's orbit using a marble as the Earth and a big playground ball as the sun.  Next we did some math to figure out when the next leap year would be and how old these first graders would be.  The future thought really astounded the children.  On the next leap day, they will be fifth graders!

Then it was time for some real LEAPING!  The first graders had a blast measuring three giant leaps.  But it wasn't all about the measuring. 

After the three leaps, we added our measurements.  Student used their iPad as a tool to manipulate base ten blocks and solve equations like 47+42+45.  Amazing job!

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